Scale Like a Boss, Attract Like a Queen

If you're a woman service-provider tired of undercharging and being overwhelmed, then it's time you ditched the overwhelm and stepped into your power as a Matriarch and CEO.

Learn the exact skills, the exact framework, receive the exact tools, and the exact process to generate at least $20,000 in sales and hire a lean team. 

Who Is This For? Coaches, Consultants, Service-based entrepreneurs, and High-achievers who refuse to settle for mediocrity!

Contact information

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All digital and intellectual property of Elocin Consulting may not be resold or distributed to anyone except the buyer of this course. Because The Matriarch CEO Accelerator Course is a digital product offering immediate value and access upon purchase, we maintain a strict no-refund policy. When you invest in this course, you're affirming your commitment to transforming your business. Please ensure you're ready to make that commitment before completing your purchase.

There are no refunds under any circumstances.
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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($497.00)$497.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $250.00)2x $250.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (4x $130.00)4x $130.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Who exactly is the Matriarch CEO Accelerator Course for?
    This course is a perfect fit for coaches, consultants, and service-based entrepreneurs who are tired of playing small. If you're looking to uplevel your business, carve out a robust 5-figure monthly income, and transform into a Matriarch CEO. Even during these times! No matter what...there is still opportunity!
  • How long will it take to see results?
    While the timeline can vary, most of our clients start to see noticeable improvements in their business within 60 to 90 days of implementing the strategies and frameworks in the course. We don't guarantee your work ethic, but we do guarantee our program's results for our clients that do the work and never give up.
    Remember, the more diligently you apply the teachings, the faster you'll see results.
  • Do I get any one-on-one support?
    This is a self-study course designed to empower you with all the strategies and frameworks you need. However, if you find you need additional support, we do offer a strategic consultation at an additional investment called a Digital Offer Suite Consultation for $997 for a 90 minute session.
  • How do I access the course material?
    After your payment is confirmed, you'll receive instant access to all course material via our secure, members-only portal. Everything is digital, so you can learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere. We do not hold back - we give you exactly what you all need right now...!
  • What all do I receive in the course besides the trainings? Are there any scripts?
    You will receive within the course:
    - The 90 Day Matriarch CEO Sales Playbook
    - 2023 DM Strategy and Script with Screenshots on how to close in the DM
    - Your Weekly and Quarterly Tracker - to track your DMs, Clients, Cash Received and Warm Leads
    - Metrics That Matter Worksheet
    - 2023 Initial Consultation Questions to Qualify Clients for Your Offer
    - Long-Term Planning in Your Business Training

    And Bonus Courses:
    - The Work". A 5-Day Virtual Sales & Belief Workshop
    - The $100K Offer Suite Guide with PDF

Course Designed and Presented by 
Jai Butler, Certified Professional Life Coach & Business Coach

Coach Jai is the Owner of Elocin Consulting and the Master Business and Mindset Coach that has thoughtfully and intricately designed a course that has supported over 31 clients over a 1.5 year period. Over $200,000 worth of contracts, course sales, and program revenue as stemmed from this curriculum. 

The Matriarch is a very serious "title" that displays the woman as the dominant and wise woman of the family. The Age of The Divine Feminine is upon and women need to become ruthless to have her due. If you are ready to shift your life, get this course and grow your own business! 

What You'll Master:

CEO Mindset and Business Foundations: Swap out those limiting beliefs for an empowered, growth-oriented mindset that'll have you reaching for the stars. Learn about how to STRUCTURE your business the right way and how to grow it starting TODAY. 

The "Soul CEO" Training: Authenticity is the name of the game, darling. Learn how to infuse your unique flair into every aspect of your business. 

Pricing Your Offer: Say goodbye to lowballing yourself and let's get you paid what you're worth!

How to Get Social Proof and Create Case Studies for Your Offers' Messaging: If your clients are raving about you, we’re showing it off—classy, of course. 

Mastering Messaging with Your Offers: Get your prospects so invested they'll feel they're missing out if they don't jump on your offer. 

Creating Content Pillars: Know what to say, when to say it, and where. Your content strategy, simplified. 

Designing the Ideal (Dream) Client Training: Because life is too short to work with clients who don’t see your worth.

The 90 Day Money Game 2.0: We're talking actionable, time-sensitive steps to bolster that income. Clock’s ticking. 

How to Track Your Activity and Leads: If you can measure it, you can improve it. Become a pro at metrics that matter.

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Matriarch CEO Accelerator Course$0

All prices in USD
